On October 30th 2009 a group organized an unauthorized spin-off of the
Chrysler 300 Club International.
Known as "The Chrysler Marching Band and Chowder Society", they met in Auburn, NY to hold their first Meet.

Minutes from the Business Meeting

Location: Curley's Restaurant

As the first order of business, we created the Club's mission statement. Several ideas were considered including "In God We Trust" (pretty sure that one is taken), and "We Live To Be Ludicrous" (also already taken). In frustration, the mission statement

"We Excel In All Things Irregular"

was moved seconded and approved by a sequential ambiguous vote.

The waitress interrupted the meeting to taking our drink order, and then our attention turned to Club Elections.

The first and only office for discussion was that of Club President. Paul was elected not only because he was the sole nominee, but also because he was the most irregular. The vote was again ambiguous with Paul's abstention over-ruled.

The waitress delivered the cocktails and took our dinner order as the meeting moved on to Club finances. Rather than work with budgets and fungible fiduciary intangibles, we patterned our finances after the Canadian monetary system with the Loonie, the Toonie, and the Threesome.

Dinner arrived and the ex-officio club pastor gave the blessing. Reading from the First Book of Transmissions, he said: "Let us make a joyful noise" so several of us did. The people at the next table promptly departed.

In line with our mission statement, the event chairman proposed that meets would be held at irregular intervals. It was further decided and approved that the meet host will be selected in secret and will not be informed of his selection, or the meet location, or the date, because that makes it more fun. It was also decided that all meet locations must include at least one Tim Horton's within easy driving distance.

It was agreed that all events will have a Key Note Speaker and we were going to have a speaker for this one but he couldn't make it as he locked himself out of his garage.

With dinner completed it was approved by another ambiguous vote that the official food of the club would be "chili with rodent du jour".

The hard luck award was presented to Ken Langdon because we knew it wouldn't be long before he would earn it.

The meeting adjourned.