An explanation of the ballast resistor Every coil has a characteristic called the time
constant T. T is the time it takes to fill the coil windings. No
matter what you do T comes out around .005 second.
The equation is T=L/R where R is the resistance of
the primary coil wire and L is inductance. Inductance is a measure of
energy stored in a magnetic field and is related to the number of
turns of primary wire. More primary wire turns increases L but R then
goes up too. Increased R reduces the current you can draw. Also for
same size coil, increased turns means the wire gets thinner which
means even more R. In this case the coil makes less power despite
higher L.
Going the other way, fewer primary wire turns
reduces L which is the power storage, so no free lunch here.
Coil size and number of turns was settled and
optimized by 1930 so messing with any parameter trades in a bad
If you go to a physically larger coil, R and L go
up together and then you do have more energy. Some Mallory coils went
this way.
Rule 1: the only way to get “more spark “
is with a larger bigger heavier coil.
But more spark is not the real
problem. The real problem is that .005 second coil time constant
needed to fill the coil. Take an 8 cylinder engine running at 6,000
RPM. The math says you need a spark every .002 second. But with the
coil time constant of .005 second, the coil does not get full at that
speed so the spark starts fading.
What to do? If you could increase R
in the equation T=L/R you decrease T and the coil would be full at
high RPM. When 12 Volt systems came in, some very good engineers
added a special resistor to increase R. This is the ballast resistor
we know and love. With the additional R from the ballast resistor at
high RPM the coil time constant decreased and the coil is full for
spark needed at high RPM.
There is more to the ballast
resistor. It uses a special resistance wire. It is iron wire which,
when cold, has low R. This is great for high RPM. At idle, each spark
still only needs .005 seconds and the points are now closed far too
long (.025 second). The coil current goes way too high. The solution
-- our ballast resistor’s iron wire gets very hot at idle and R
increases to limit coil draw. The ballast resistor is a clever little
By controlling dwell by adding
electronics (HEI or Pertronix etc ) you can shorten that dwell at
idle by delaying the start of coil fill (but a ballast does same
thing). But over 5,000 RPM or so —all else equal —
ignition by points or by electronics, they are close to the same
For a while, Chrysler bypassed the
ballast resistor during cranking. The thought was this gave a
stronger spark when battery volts dropped during cranking. Other
manufacturers did not follow suite and their cars start just fine.
An even more important consideration
is that electronic ignitions will lose 1 volt in the transistor
switch while points will lose nothing. The energy in the spark goes
as the square of the coil supply volts. When the engine is running,
you have 13.6 volts in the system. For a distributor using points we
have 13.6v squared = 184. Electronic with the 1 volt loss would be
12.6v which squared is 158. You get 17% more spark from points!
As far as reliability, you walk when
Pertronix or MSD punts. With a matchbook and screwdriver I can repair
points and drive on. But points do have to be set correctly and in a
tight distributor and a good capacitor. Points are fine for 20,000
miles at least after initial wear.
All this was driven home one day with
a 300B engine on the dyno. We swapped in a stock B distributor after
the MSD failed and we got the same 380 HP right to 6000 RPM. The
stock B distributor, with the higher dwell from dual points, gets the
coil closer to full charge at high RPM. That is why our cars went 140
In my opinion, 85% of the problems
blamed on points are the capacitor or from trying to set point gap
without a dwell meter.